- Make sure you know the date you are filming and your call time on that day. This will be sent to you the day before filming usually later in the afternoon.
- Make sure you know where the shoot is happening and how long it will take you to get there. Plan your journey so that you arrive on time and hassle free. If parking isn’t provided plan where you are going to park in advance as you will be liable for any parking tickets.
- If you have been asked to bring any clothing or props of your own or prepare anything for hair and make-up make sure you prepare in advance and don’t forget to bring them.
- Have our contact number saved in case of any unforeseen circumstances which would prevent you from attending filming.
- Have the contact number, name and details of the member of the production team you are required to report to. You can also use this number if you are delayed or have any problems finding the location. If you are going to be more than 10 minutes late you must call and inform production.
- Make sure you listen carefully to all directions you are given by members of the production team. Make sure you know where to go, when and what you need to do. If you are unsure of anything just ask.
- Be polite, and always be on time.
- It is extremely important that you do not record anything whilst on set- no videos, pictures or audio is to be recorded. Do not speak to the actors, take selfies or photos or ask for autographs, this could result in you being dismissed from filming without pay.
- Be quiet on set so that the film crew can communicate clearly
- Never look at or in the direction of the camera when filming and always act naturally- don’t over-do it.
- You are not permitted to bring a friend or family member with you, this also applies to costume fittings.
- Personal belongings are not permitted to be brought onto set and mobile phones must be switched off.
- Talking to the local media and local press about a production is not permitted. Prior to filming you will sign a release which means you are entering into a confidentiality agreement with that production.
- No smoking is allowed on set, or in the extras holding areas. This includes E-cigarettes and vape pens. There will be a designated smoking area.
- Anyone under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol will be immediately dismissed from set without pay and removed from our database.
- If you must take medication please make a member of the production team aware when signing in.
- Do not take unscheduled breaks. It may not be possible to release you from set until the next break once filming has begun. Please ensure you go to the bathroom, smoke, etc. with plenty of time before you are called for filming.
- Do not leave the set or location until you have been told officially by an assistant director that you have been “wrapped” (finished for the day) and before you leave make sure you have signed out with a member of the production team.
- Before you leave make sure you return any costume or props that have been provided to you. The company will hold you responsible for any loss or damage to wardrobe and props.
Please remember that whilst on set you will be representing Northern Extras. Please ensure you are always on time, friendly, attentive, easy to work with and behave in a professional manner. If we receive repeated negative feedback it will result in individuals being removed from our database. The better you perform on set the more likely you are to get more work. Do your best and enjoy the experience!Useful Terms to Know Before Filming
Call Time
The time you must report to the location of filming.
Call Sheet
A report with full details of the shooting day held by the crew.
Confirmed Booking
You have been confirmed to work on this day, please ensure you remain available.
Pencilled Booking
A provisional booking which is yet to be confirmed.
Holding Area
This is where you will wait until being called to set for filming.
Line Up
Prior to heading to set, once costume, hair and make-up has been completed, all extras will form a line to be looked over by members of the production team. This is to ensure everyone looks perfect. Remain in the line until instructed by an Assistant Director.
Final Checks
This happens on set just before filming and is the last chance for hair and make-up to check everything is right before filming begins.
Unit Base
The base for the production team, often where you need to report for call time.
Night Shoot
Filming which takes place during the night, typically finishing between 1am and 6am.
A slang term for the toilet.
Useful Terms to Remember on Set
The actors' cue to start.
Background Action
The extras’ cue to start.
Indicates the camera is rolling and filming is about to begin.
Stand By
A warning that filming is about to begin.
A shot of a scene from a certain position or angle, numbered “take one”, “take two”, etc.
First Positions
Your starting position for the take of each scene.
From the Top
Starting a scene again from the beginning.
Repositioning the camera for a different take.
A practice run of a scene prior to filming.
Red Light and Bell
A red light and bell signals that filming is about to begin, usually in a studio.
An object you may be given in addition to costume.
An artificial body part applied by the make-up department.
Multiple shots filmed over different days that must remain unchanged as they will appear in sequence.
The direction you need to look in a shot.
Pick Up
A small part of a scene which needs to be reshot or has been missed.
Signals the end of the filming day.
Assistant Directors
Coordinate all aspects of the shoot and are responsible for extras. Report to them, as they ensure everything runs smoothly on set.
The creative lead behind the shoot, in overall charge of filming.
Director of Photography (DP)
Oversees the aesthetic of the shoot, setting up shots and managing the camera team.
An assistant to the directing team.
Hair and Make-Up
Responsible for transforming the cast into their characters.
Costume Supervisor
In charge of the costume that the cast will wear for filming.
Second Unit
A separate crew that films different scenes such as pick-ups or on-location shots.
A person used in place of a principal actor for long shots or shots where the face cannot be seen.
Picture Double
A person resembling the principal actor, used in their place for certain shots.
Stand In
A person similar in height, age, and skin tone to the actor, used during initial lighting and camera setup.